
栄養素まとめ 英語English

Effect of vitamin D

Vitamin D helps balance calcium and
I work to keep my bones healthy.

Recently, the effect of boosting immunity, cancer and diabetes,
May be effective for autism, building a body that is easy to get pregnant, etc.
Is also being reported.

Types of vitamin D

There are 6 types of vitamin D, D2 ~ D7.
Vitamin D1 is absent because it was found to be an impurity after it was discovered.

There are two important vitamin Ds for humans, D2 and D3.
It is said that D2 and D3 work the same, but
Recently, there is an opinion that vitamin D3 works twice as hard as D2.

How to get Vitamin D

There are two ways a person can get vitamin D.
One is to take it from food, and the other is to have it exposed to sunlight to make vitamin D.

Food-derived vitamin D is
Vitamin D2 is of plant origin and Vitamin D3 is of animal origin.

Ultraviolet rays are required to become vitamin D3 and vitamin D2

Vitamin D3 animal foods (fish, liver, chicken eggs, etc.),
Vitamin D2 vegetable food contained in human skin
Included in (sun-dried shiitake mushrooms, mushrooms, seaweed, etc.)

The process of producing active vitamin D

Vitamin D made from the skin and eaten by us is
It is processed in the liver and kidneys.

That’s how it becomes active vitamin D.

Vitamin D3

The largest source of vitamin D for humans is
It is 7-dehydrocholesterol (provitamin D3) in the skin.
By being exposed to sunlight, it becomes the most hard-working “active vitamin D3"
It will change to vitamin D3, which can be changed.

Until ultraviolet rays (UV-B) hit and vitamin D3 is produced

  1. Ultraviolet rays (UV-B) hit the skin to become previtamin D3
  2. Changes to vitamin D3 depending on body temperature
  3. The resulting vitamin D3
    By protein (vitamin D-binding protein)
    It will be carried to the liver.

UV and Vitamin D

Ultraviolet rays that make vitamin D3.
Light called UV-B (280-315nm) in ultraviolet rays is created.

UV-B is the light that causes sunburn.
And of UV-B, 295nm produces the most vitamin D3.

UV-B cannot pass through clothes or glass.
So, if you always spend your time indoors or always wear sunscreen when you go out,
You may always be deficient in vitamin D.

It is also common sense that ultraviolet rays (especially UV-A) are bad for the skin,
Making Vitamin D3 without being too afraid of sunlight
It is important to live while considering the balance.

The amount of vitamin D that can be produced when exposed to sunlight

So how much vitamin D can you get in the sun?

If you are exposed to direct sunlight for 30 minutes in the summer in Tokyo,
It is said that 700-800 IU of vitamin D is produced in the body (skin exposure 10%).

Season, latitude and Vitamin D

The amount of ultraviolet rays that reach depends on the season.
As a result, the amount of vitamin D produced in the body varies depending on the season.

In the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere,
In winter, the ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet rays, so
The amount of UV rays that reach us is reduced.

Therefore, even if you are exposed to the sun in winter for the same amount of time as in summer,
Vitamin D3 made from the skin cannot be expected.

How Vitamin D Works

The main functions of vitamin D are as follows.
Vitamin D helps absorb calcium and phosphorus to strengthen bones and
It regulates the function of genes.

Promotion of absorption of calcium and phosphorus
Bone formation and growth promotion
Regulates the function of genes (immunity improvement, diabetes prevention, carcinogenesis suppression)

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency

The following symptoms occur when vitamin D is deficient.

Rickets (pediatric)
Osteomalacia, osteoporosis (adult)

In addition, the following are being studied as other symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

Diabetes mellitus
Immune weakness
hay fever

Bone and Vitamin D

Vitamin D strengthens bones.

Vitamin D has the function of increasing the use of calcium.
Involved in the movement of calcium in the intestines and bones,
It keeps calcium and phosphorus in the blood constant.

When vitamin D is deficient, the movement of calcium in the body is disturbed,
Children are more likely to have rickets and adults are more likely to have bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Foods high in Vitamin D (Amount and content per serving / 1 μg = 0.025 IU)

As a food rich in vitamin D,
It is abundant in seafood such as dried shiitake mushrooms, salmon, and trout.

It is also included in mushrooms such as wood ear mushrooms,
It is not found in cereals and vegetables, and not so much in meat.

Vitamin D check

Let’s check the applicable items.
If checked, take a blood test
You may want to measure your vitamin D.

・ I want to prevent influenza
・ I want to prevent osteoporosis
・ I’m worried about pollen
・ Depression and schizophrenia
・ Prevention and treatment of cancer
・ Autism, developmental disability
・ Poor blood sugar control
・ I’m worried about Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

