Vitamin C

栄養素まとめ 英語English

Vitamin C has a common name of L-ascorbic acid.
By Royal Navy Doctor Lind in 1753
It was discovered as a preventive factor for scurvy.

Vitamin C dissolves in water, such as blood and crystalline lens of the eye
In addition to removing rust from the water-soluble parts of the body
Restores tired vitamin E.
It is also essential for making collagen for beautiful skin.

Why do people need vitamin C?

Dogs and cows can make their own vitamin C.
However, humans, monkeys, guinea pigs, etc. cannot make vitamin C, so
It must be taken from the diet for good health.

Vitamin C is also very unstable to light, heat and air (oxygen).
Most of the vitamin C in food is lost during storage, cooking, and processing.

Vitamin C absorption

How is Vitamin C absorbed?

Vitamin C is not digested in the stomach etc.
As it is, it is mainly absorbed from the small intestine.
And it is carried in the blood and stored all over the body,
Used when needed.

How much vitamin C can our body absorb?

If you take 180mg of vitamin C by mouth, 80-90% will be absorbed,
If you increase it from 1,000 to 5,000 mg, the absorption rate will drop to 21%.
(The amount absorbed will increase accordingly.)

At this time, the vitamin C that was not absorbed
It increases good bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria in the large intestine,
It softens the stool.

How Vitamin C Works

Make collagen

Symptoms that are likely to occur when insufficient

Wrinkles are likely to occur and scratches are difficult to heal
Capillaries are easily broken

Boost immunity

Symptoms that are likely to occur when insufficient

Susceptible to infectious diseases (cold, etc.)
Prone to cancer

Helps absorb iron

Symptoms that are likely to occur when insufficient

Prone to anemia

Help the enzyme work

Symptoms that are likely to occur when insufficient

Reduced liver detoxification

Stop melanin pigment

Symptoms that are likely to occur when insufficient

Easy to get dark spots, spots and freckles

Antioxidants and Vitamin C


Vitamin C works to remove rust (antioxidant) from the body.

The rust removing effect of vitamin C is
It occurs because electrons (hydrogen) are easily separated from vitamin C.
This distant electron (hydrogen) reduces other substances.

Synergistic effect of vitamin C and vitamin E


Vitamin E has a synergistic effect when taken together with vitamin C.

Vitamin E protects the oily parts of the body from active oxygen.
At this time, if vitamin C is also present,
Vitamin E that got tired after removing rust
It will bring you back to life again.

Beautiful skin, collagen and vitamin C

Collagen for beautiful skin.
Collagen makes up 1/3 of the protein in the body
It is an important protein.

Bone, skin, blood vessels, teeth, etc. by connecting cells
Active everywhere.

This collagen becomes a protein (amino acid)
Vitamin C and iron work together to make it.

When there is not enough material to make collagen,
It becomes easy for cells to separate from each other.

For example, when a gap is created in a blood vessel, blood oozes out.
Also, half of the bone is collagen, so it is easy to break.

This continued for a long time, and blood came out from all over the body,
The bones become brittle and the internal organs break. This is scurvy.

Keeping enough vitamin C, protein, and iron
This is the first step towards beautiful bare skin and strong bones.

Stress relief and vitamin C

A busy modern society. It is important to have a stress relief method.
And vitamin C is useful as a nutrient for stress relief.

When a person feels stress, from a place called the adrenal gland
It tries to survive by releasing anti-stress hormones.
At this time, vitamin C is required.

If you feel mental or physical stress, good protein and pantothenic acid,
Then supplement with vitamin C and survive safely.

Correct diet-carnitine and vitamin C-

For the right diet, it’s important to burn excess fat without losing muscle.
And to burn excess fat,
You will need a relative of the amino acid carnitine (an amino acid derivative).

Carnitine is made from an amino acid called lysine,
Vitamin C is also needed at this time.

To reduce body fat efficiently, with moderate exercise
Also get good protein and vitamin C.

Heart and Vitamin C

It is the neurotransmitters that make up our minds.
Among them, it is a neurotransmitter of the excitatory system.
Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of noradrenaline.

Noradrenaline is needed to survive in nature
Awakening, concentration, positivity, excitement, attack,
It controls the sense of anxiety, fear, and pain relief.

Foods high in Vitamin C (Amount and content per serving)

Foods high in vitamin C include lemons, strawberries, kiwis, and persimmons for fruits.
Vegetables include red peppers and broccoli.

Rape blossoms

Amount used per meal: 1 bowl (boiled, 60g)
Content 26 mg

Red bell pepper

Amount used per meal (20g)
Content 15 mg


Amount used per meal: 2 small bunches (boiled, 20 g)
Content 11 mg

