Vitamin A

栄養素まとめ 英語English

Vitamin A is a (fat-soluble) vitamin that is mainly contained in animal foods and is soluble in oil,
which is involved in skin, mucous membrane, eye health, and animal growth.

Since the 1930s, it has been discovered that retinol is related to vision,
and the name comes from “retina," which means retina.

Carotenoids contained in green and yellow vegetables are said
to be converted to vitamin A in the animal body, and are also called provitamin A.

Types of vitamin A

Vitamin A
There are three types: retinol, retinal, and retinoic acid.
Retinal works visually,
It is retinoic acid that works for cancer.


Vitamin A absorption

How is Vitamin A absorbed?

The vitamin A-containing foods you eat are first broken down in your stomach.
Vitamin A is then absorbed by the small intestinal epithelial cells along with the oil.

Vitamin A absorption and protein


Absorbed vitamin A sticks to protein (retinol-binding protein: RBP),
A protein lid (transthyretin) covers it,
It is carried on the blood to the liver and other places,
It can be saved in case of emergency.

To carry the vitamin A you have taken all over your body
Get enough protein.

How Vitamin A Works

Vitamin A has the following functions.

Protects mucous membranes (prevention of cancer)

Symptoms that are likely to occur if there is a shortage

Easy to damage the throat and bronchi.
Easy to form polyps.
Gastrointestinal weakness.
Gynecological problems are likely to occur.
Prone to cancer of the stomach and uterus.

Useful for bone and skin remodeling

Symptoms that are likely to occur if there is a shortage

Easy to fracture
Warts and warts are easy to form
Eliminates moisture in hair and skin
Easy to get your hands and heels
Prone to allergies

Source of sight

Symptoms that are likely to occur if there is a shortage

Poor eyesight
It’s hard to see things at night

Normalization of liver function

Symptoms that are likely to occur when there is a shortage

Liver fibrosis (cirrhosis)

Make IgA antibody

Symptoms that are likely to occur if there is a shortage

More susceptible to infections

Cold prevention method-mucous membrane and vitamin A-

How to prevent colds.
Mucous membrane strengthening is effective as a way to prevent troublesome colds.


Because the nose, mouth and throat are connected to the outside world
You must protect your body from dust, dust and viruses.

There, the mucous membrane of the throat is covered with broom-like hair (hair),
At an amazing speed of 40 to 60 times per second
I’m trying to get rid of foreign objects by fluttering.
And the surface is covered with mucus.
The material of the mucus is protein and vitamin A.

With vitamin C, which boosts immunity
Protein and Vitamin A are essential ingredients to protect yourself from the invasion of enemies.

Vegetables high in vitamin A

It is said that 220 μg of vitamin A should be taken in one meal. Vegetables are abundant in carrots, broccoli, basil, and perilla.

Check for vitamin A deficiency

Insufficient vitamin A can cause unexpected symptoms.
・ Dry skin
・ Dry eyes (dry eyes)
・ Skin is rough
・ Infected with Helicobacter pylori
・ Easy to make warts and worms
・ Easy to catch a cold
・ I’m worried about wrinkles
・ I’m worried about night blindness
・ Easy to get acne and pimples
・ Cancer family
・ I’m worried about atopic dermatitis
・ Gynecological problems (endometriosis / uterine fibroids)
・ The inside of the nose becomes dry

