42 Molybdenum Mo

栄養素まとめ 英語English

Molybdenum is abundant in the liver and kidneys,
As a component of enzymes that break down harmful substances that enter the body and are metabolized in the body
It is a necessary mineral though it is a small amount.

Because it enhances the function of iron and has an effect related to hematopoiesis
It is also called “blood mineral".

Molybdenum is abundant in cereals, legumes and nuts.
Because the absorption rate from food is relatively good
If you have a normal diet,
Don’t worry about molybdenum deficiency.

Main function of molybdenum

  1. Helps metabolism of sugars and lipids
  2. Purines ingested from a diet involved in uric acid metabolism,
    Converts to uric acid, which causes ventilation.
  3. Promote the use of iron Promote the use of iron and promote hematopoiesis.
  4. It becomes a component of oxidase (oxidase)
    Xanthine oxidase, aldehyde oxidase,
    It is a component of sulfite oxidase.

When molybdenum is insufficient

It may cause tachycardia, headache, night blindness, etc.

If you take too much molybdenum

Molybdenum has an antagonistic effect with copper (cancelling each other’s effects).
High intakes of molybdenum can reduce the effectiveness of copper in foods.

Those who should take it positively

For those with iron deficiency anemia.

Foods high in molybdenum

The amount of molybdenum required per serving is 6.7 μg.
The vegetables that are high in molybdenum are as follows.

Turnip leaves


