12 Magnesium Mg

栄養素まとめ 英語English

Magnesium is widespread in all cells and bones.
And it is said to be involved in as many as 300 types of enzymatic reactions.

Magnesium is so important
When a person’s body lacks magnesium in the blood,
Take magnesium out of the bone
I always try to keep the amount of magnesium constant.

Magnesium distribution

There is about 25g of magnesium in the human body.
Magnesium is widely distributed in all cells
50-60% is in bone and 1% is in blood.

How magnesium works

The functions related to magnesium are as follows.
Magnesium is said to be involved in as many as 300 enzymatic reactions.

Protein synthesis
Control of neurotransmission
Maintenance of cardiac function
Muscle contraction
Blood pressure regulation, etc.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

It is said that the following symptoms and pathological conditions occur when magnesium is deficient.

Heart disease
Muscle spasms
Coronary artery goodwill

Diarrhea, constipation, etc.

Calcium and Magnesium

Calcium and magnesium are brother ions
It has an important relationship as it is said.

The human body is made up of 60 trillion cells,
Inside and outside each cell
Calcium and magnesium in a decent proportion
It is believed that being there is very important.

Thanks to this, it is possible to maintain the tension of blood vessels,
The heart is moving properly.

Also, if you run out of magnesium,
It is also said that the calcium level also drops.

Bone health and Magnesium

Magnesium is needed to keep your bones healthy.

Bone is made up of minerals and bone temperament.
This mineral is mainly of calcium and phosphoric acid
Made of hydroxyapatite.

About 1/100 of calcium in this
It contains magnesium
It is believed to help maintain bone strength.

In addition to minerals, there are things like fibers in the bones,
This is called “bone temperament".
Bone temperament is mainly made of collagen (protein).

Bone structure
Minerals Mainly made up of calcium and phosphorus.
Magnesium is in here
It helps maintain the strength of the bones.

Bone temperament Mainly made of collagen.
Besides, osteocalcin, osteopontin, etc.

How Much Magnesium Should I Take?

Regardless of magnesium intake
Magnesium absorption rate changes
Urinary excretion increases or decreases.

So when you take magnesium,
Instead of focusing solely on the amount of magnesium contained in food
We also need to think about environmental factors involved in absorption and excretion.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare “2009 National Health and Nutrition Survey"
Average magnesium intake is 264 mg for men over 20 years old,
It is 234 mg for women over 20 years old.

According to this, the intake from food alone is around 100 mg for men,
It is estimated that women are deficient in around 50 mg of magnesium daily.

Foods high in magnesium

Magnesium is abundant in soybeans, seafood and nuts.

Cashew nuts


