14 Mechanism that dopamine comes out by licking

Diet en English

Dopamine comes out easily by licking.

By licking, dopamine that makes you feel happy comes out .

It can be said that human beings have a natural instinct.

Without that instinct, you can’t basically live.

Newborn babies get pleasure by putting their mother’s nipples on their tongues.

And they can drink milk and get full by sucking.

Both humans and animals basically live to satisfy their desires.

And they first satisfy their desires. It’s licking.

Even in English pronunciation,
there is an action to bend the tongue into a U shape.

It can be said that it is an instinct.

How to use the tongue,
which is not found in Japanese pronunciation.

So I think English-speaking people are good at licking.

Dopamine is also produced by licking.

This is also something you should know as diet knowledge.

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Diet en English

Posted by エスパパの娘