10 Relationship between diet and water

Diet en English

Water is an important item to promote the metabolism of the body, which is indispensable for dieting.

The human body is made up of more than 60% water.
By constantly putting water in the body
It has the effect of removing old water and waste products from the body.

Therefore, water is an important item that is indispensable for dieting.

However, what kind of water is acceptable? That doesn’t seem to be the case.

There are three conditions

1 Impurities are not mixed
2 Close to room temperature
3 Divide slowly and drink in large quantities
It will be.

1 Impurities are not mixed

Even if it is drinking water that does not contain sugar, once it enters the body,
it is absorbed into the body through the process of separating it into water and other things.

Since the organs are responsible for decomposition and absorption,
it puts a strain on the body.

Of course, tea and coffee have impurities, and even tap water contains chlorine.

What kind of water is good?
It is said that plain hot water or hot water cooling,
which has been boiled once to remove chlorine, is the best.

The actress often drinks plain hot water That’s what it means.

2 Water near room temperature

Cooling the body is a condition for fat to easily adhere to the body.

Therefore, when cold water enters the body,
it cools the body, which may make it easier for fat to adhere.

Certainly, drinking cold water when it’s hot feels good.
The feeling of deliciousness is the feeling that the liver feels.

When you feel delicious, you are most likely to get fat.

When tasty, fat begins to build up when the liver signals the brain.

So, use enough water to keep your body cool.
Using a straw etc. It ’s a good idea to take a little time to drink.
This is the recommended way to drink water more effectively.

3 Divide slowly and drink a large amount of water

Both plants and animals
In the world, all reactions are centered on water.

In addition, it is said that 60% of the body is water.
If you ingest a large amount of water, it will go out of your body with sweat and urine.

Ingest a large amount of water By putting out a large amount of water It is an image of purifying the body with water.

Drink about 2L of water that does not contain impurities at room temperature a day in small portions over time.

This is
It is a key to promote a diet.

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Diet en English

Posted by エスパパの娘