05 Mechanism of rebounding when you put up with hunger

Diet en English

The more you put up with hunger,
the more likely you are to rebound.

Then why Is it easier to get fat if you put up with your diet?
I will explain the reason.

Appetite is a temporary desire.
It is also called physiological desire.

This desire is the one needed to sustain life.

Humans naturally try to satisfy their appetite.

You can see that by looking at the behavior of the baby.

They feel stressed when they are hungry,
drink milk until they are full,
and sleep calmly when they are full.

You have repeatedly experienced
this behavior since you were a baby.

If you don’t drink milk,
you won’t have physical strength or resistance,
so this is a natural behavior.

You instinctively have been imprinted
on your brain since you were a baby,
saying, “If you are full, you will feel calm."

If you analyze this behavior pattern,
you will understand the behavioral principle of appetite.

When I’m hungry, I feel stressed.
The longer this time is, the more stress you will accumulate.

In the case of a baby, the behavior is to cry.

As you put up with your diet,
you get more and more stressed and your brain imagines
the delicious foods you’ve ever eaten.

Also, if you put up with it, you will be deficient in the hormone serotonin,
which can make you irritated and angry.

When your baby is hungry and breastfeeding,
he may be sticking to his satisfaction. This state is adrenaline.

When you eat while you are patient with your meal,
you may find that your appetite does not stop
and you may end up eating until you are satisfied.
This state is also a state of adrenaline.

Your baby will be full after drinking milk.
When your stomach is fully filled with milk
The satiety center is stimulated and
a happy hormone called dopamine is secreted into your brain.

In your case, it’s the same as when you’re satisfied with eating delicious food.

It has been repeated since I was a baby that stress occurs
and once adrenaline is released,
it behaves like dopamine is released.

Of course, stress also occurs when you are not hungry.
Then simply fill your stomach and give dopamine
to relieve that stress. I often end up doing that.

The easiest way to relieve stress is to fill
your stomach and give dopamine.
You should know this instinctively.

You have experienced stress adrenaline dopamine
and it over and over again.
So, the more stress you feel,
the more the same amount or more They instinctively
move to seek dopamine.

This is the cause of the rebound.
Unreasonable dietary restrictions can be stressful and easy to rebound.

By the way, how to get dopamine is other thins besides meals.

For example, cultural hobbies and sports hobbies.
It is important to have a stress relieving method other than diet.
However, there are some hobbies that can destroy you.
Gambling, drinking, crime, etc. Let’s not have such a hobby.


Diet en English

Posted by エスパパの娘