53 Iodine I

栄養素まとめ 英語English

How iodine works

Iodine is a mineral found in food.
Iodine is required for the body to synthesize thyroid hormone.

This hormone starts with the metabolism of the body
It regulates various important functions.

Also, thyroid hormone
It is also necessary for the normal development of the bones and brain of the foetation and baby during pregnancy and lactation.

It’s important for everyone to get enough iodine,
This is especially important for babies and pregnant women.

Foods rich in elements

Iodine is naturally found in some foods and
It may be added to salt and labeled as “iodinated".
By eating various kinds of foods such as:
You can get the recommended amount of iodine.

Often, fish (cod, tuna, etc.), seaweed, shrimp, etc.
Marine products are rich in iodine.

Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.) and
Grain products (bread, cereals, etc.).
These are the major sources of iodine in the American diet.

Fruits and vegetables that contain iodine.
However, the iodine content depends on the soil in which it was grown and the fertilizer used.

Iodized salts are readily available in many countries, including the United States.
However, processed foods such as canned soups rarely contain iodine-added salts.

About iodine supplements

For supplements on the market,
It usually contains iodine in the form of potassium iodide or sodium iodide.
Many multivitamin and mineral supplements contain iodine.
Kelp (seaweed) supplements that contain iodine are also commercially available.

Are you getting enough iodine?

Many Americans get enough iodine.
However, in certain groups it is sufficient compared to others
You may not be able to take iodine.

Population without iodine-added salt

Iodine addition to salt to prevent iodine deficiency
This is the most widely used method.
Today, about 70% of households around the world use iodine-added salts.

Pregnant woman

Pregnant women need to supply a sufficient amount of iodine to the foetation
It requires about 50% more iodine than non-pregnant women.

According to the survey results, many pregnant women in the United States
Iodine intake may be slightly lower,
The effect of this fact on the foetation is unknown.

I live in an area where the iodine content in the soil is low,
A population that mainly consumes locally produced foods.

Crops with low iodine content are produced in such soils.
The areas with the lowest iodine content in the soil
Mountainous areas such as the Himalayas, the Alps and the Andes
And river basins in South and Southeast Asia.

Foods with low iodine intake and goiter-inducing substances
Ingesting population.

Goiter inducers are substances that block the use of iodine in the body.
Soybeans and cruciferous vegetables
(Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc.)
It is present in vegetable foods.

Many Americans get enough iodine and
There is no problem with taking an appropriate amount of foods containing goiter inducers.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

Iodine deficiency is a rare disease in the United States and Canada.
Insufficient iodine intake prevents the synthesis of sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone.
Many problems arise in such cases.

Severe iodine deficiency in pregnant women
Causes fetal dysgenesis, mental retardation, and delayed sexual differentiation,
It has irreparable adverse effects. Yo

If deficiency is mild, the IQ of infants and children may be lower than the average.
Decrease in adult work ability and coherent thinking ability
It can cause it.

Often first visible to the naked eye
A sign of iodine deficiency is goiter (hypertrophy of the thyroid gland).


