29 Copper Cu

栄養素まとめ 英語English

About 70 to 100 mg of copper is contained in the body of an adult.
About 50% in bones and skeletal muscles, about 10% in liver,
It is present in the blood, brain, etc.

Absorption and function of Copper

Copper is absorbed from the intestinal tract, sent to the liver, and then
Combined with a protein called apoceruloplasmin,
In the form of ceruloplasmin, carried throughout the body,
It binds to the active center of about 10 types of enzymes and performs various functions in the body.

In addition, this ceruloplasmin is used for hemoglobin synthesis.
Since it is an essential enzyme, it is an essential mineral for preventing anemia.

It is also involved in the energy metabolism of immune cells such as macrophages.
Because it is a component of an enzyme called cytochrome C oxidase
In addition to having the effect of boosting immunity, in red blood cells,
Also for SOD enzyme (superoxide dismutase, an enzyme that scavenges active oxygen)
Because it is contained, it is also effective in preventing arteriosclerosis.

In addition to energy generation, iron metabolism, active oxygen removal, etc.
Also for extracellular matrix maturation, neurotransmitter production, etc.
I am involved.

Daily intake standard for copper

According to the Japanese Dietary Intake Standards (2015 version), the recommended daily intake is
Males aged 18-29 0.9 mg, males aged 30-49 1.0 mg,
0.9 mg for men over 50, 0.8 mg for women aged 18-69,
It is set at 0.7 mg for women over 70 years old.
The tolerable upper limit is 10 mg for both men and women over the age of 18.

What happens if you run out of copper

It is said that there is no deficiency in daily eating habits,
Patients with long-term nutritional management by enteral nutrition,
For premature babies with artificial nutrition,
Deficiency due to insufficient intake may be seen.

The main symptoms are anemia, bone abnormalities, hair abnormalities, leukopenia,
Neutropenia, cardiovascular and nervous system abnormalities, failure to thrive, etc.

In Menkes disease, which is a genetic disorder of copper metabolism,
Copper in the blood, brain and liver is reduced, resulting in
Symptoms such as decreased intelligence, stunted growth, and central nervous system disorders appear.

Effects of copper overdose

Hypervitaminosis is a special acute poisoning caused by accidental ingestion of chemicals,
It rarely occurs except for hereditary Wilson’s disease.

Wilson’s disease does not secrete copper into bile
A genetic disease that accumulates in the liver, etc.
It causes cranial nerve disorders, severe liver disorders, joint disorders, etc.

Also, if you put acidic foods such as vinegar in a copper pot,
Copper melts out and overdose of copper
Please note that it may cause it.

In recent years, copper deficiency has caused anemia as well as hypercholesterolemia.
May cause atherosclerosis, etc.
It’s becoming clear.

On the other hand, excessive intake of copper promotes the production of active oxygen.
Because it causes oxidative stress
Exacerbates obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure and renal failure
It is believed to be a factor.

Future research is expected on the relationship between copper and lifestyle-related diseases.

Foods high in copper

The amount of copper required per serving is 0.24 mg.
The following vegetables are high in copper.

Turnip leaves


