(06) Mechanism of losing weight with Aerobic exercise and Anaerobic exercise


How to warm your body from the inside and lose weight There are two types.

They are Aerobic exercise and Anaerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercise includes jogging, walking, swimming and cycling.

These increase the heart rate for a certain period of time
and By taking oxygen into the body,
blood flow can be accelerated for a certain period of time.

This flow of blood can warm your body from the inside for a period of time.

When the body is warmed for a certain period of time,
fat gradually burns from the warm place.

If you continue every day, you will lose weight at first.
However, as you get used to the aerobic exercise,
it will gradually become harder to fall off with the same amount of exercise.

And how to lose fat with aerobic exercise
It is necessary to exercise continuously for twenty minutes or more.

This time is absolutely necessary for the body to stay warm.

Another way to heat from the inside is

Anaerobic exercise.

When you use more muscles and apply a stronger load during exercise,
the muscle fibers around it temporarily break.

However, the human body has the ability to automatically repair broken muscles.

And at the time of repair
With proper nutrition and rest, more than your muscles before exercising
Strong muscles will be built.

The muscle soreness you often experience is when you are regenerating muscle This is a phenomenon that occurs.

At that time, blood collects there and repairs the surrounding area.
During the repair, the area will warm up and the fat will burn.

If you increase your muscles, your basal metabolism will increase. Then, you will lose weight just by living your normal life. Of course, you will lose weight even if you are sleeping.

The reason is that if your basal metabolism rises, your normal body temperature will also rise.
By the way, if it goes up x degrees, multiply it by your weight.
That value is your elevated basal metabolism.

Here I have a bad story for you.
Regarding muscles You need to give your muscles training and some rest.
Your intention to train your muscles will injure you. Please be careful.

After training your right arm, the next day you will train your left arm, right thigh, left thigh, etc. in order.
The muscle parts that are devised and trained every day
Let’s change it.

When it comes to exercise, a good combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise is the key to boosting your basal metabolism.
Increasing your basal metabolism will help you lose weight.
Of course, you also need to be careful about your diet.



Posted by エスパパの娘