04 Forskjellen mellom rollene til visceralt fett og subkutant fett

Diet no ノルウェー

About the cause of obesity, “fat on the body".

There are two types of fat.

① Visceral fat
② Subcutaneous fat

Visceral fat is relatively easy to remove.
This will decline due to the improvement of eating habits.

When you go on a diet, the first few kilograms will drop steadily.
However, have you ever experienced that you will not lose weight after that?

The first few kilograms of fat that falls is visceral fat.

Visceral fat is the fat stored in the liver.
This fat is the fat that keeps the body in constant supply of the necessary sugars.
Therefore, if sugar does not enter the small intestine due to dietary restrictions, etc.
This visceral fat instead supplies sugar from
the liver through blood vessels under each cell in the body.

  • 1 Each cell in the body interferes with their function when the sugar supply is cut off.
    A minimum amount of sugar is required. Sugar is the power source that sustains human life.

On the other hand, subcutaneous fat is already from the liver.
It is a lipid that has been sent under each cell of the body.

For example, it’s the fat state of pork.

Lipids that have become subcutaneous fat cannot be converted into sugar.

It is an irreversible reaction that cannot be replaced by sugar.

Therefore, it is not easy to fall off with dietary restrictions.

Then, what should I do to remove subcutaneous fat?

The hint is in the heat.

I will explain the story to you later.

About the cause of obesity, “fat on the body".

There are two types of fat.

① Visceral fat
② Subcutaneous fat

Visceral fat is relatively easy to remove.
This will decline due to the improvement of eating habits.

When you go on a diet, the first few kilograms will drop steadily.
However, have you ever experienced that you will not lose weight after that?

The first few kilograms of fat that falls is visceral fat.

Visceral fat is the fat stored in the liver.
This fat is the fat that keeps the body in constant supply of the necessary sugars.
Therefore, if sugar does not enter the small intestine due to dietary restrictions, etc.
This visceral fat instead supplies sugar from
the liver through blood vessels under each cell in the body.

* 1 Each cell in the body interferes with their function when the sugar supply is cut off.
A minimum amount of sugar is required. Sugar is the power source that sustains human life.

On the other hand, subcutaneous fat is already from the liver.
It is a lipid that has been sent under each cell of the body.

For example, it’s the fat state of pork.

Lipids that have become subcutaneous fat cannot be converted into sugar.

It is an irreversible reaction that cannot be replaced by sugar.

Therefore, it is not easy to fall off with dietary restrictions.

Then, what should I do to remove subcutaneous fat?

The hint is in the heat.

I will explain the story to you later.
